Crushed walnut shells

Product Number
Crushed walnut shells are an organic, soft blasting material. Its main use is mainly in the aerospace industry and in the field of restoration. The crushed nutshell material is very soft and is used exclusively for fine cleaning where there is undesirable loss of blasting material and where harder abrasives could cause consequential damage. Detail description
25 kg papírový pytel 40 pytlů na EURO paletě (max. 1 000 kg) 1 t Big bag

Crushed walnut shells are an organic, soft blasting material. Its main use is mainly in the aerospace industry and in the field of restoration. The crushed nutshell material is very soft and is used exclusively for fine cleaning where there is undesirable loss of blasting material and where harder abrasives could cause consequential damage. The crushed shells are cleaned of dust and sorted to the required size on net sorters.


  • 200 - 1 500 um

Appearance: crushed walnut shell
The shape of the grain: sharp-edged
Hardness: 2.5 - 3.0 Mohs
Flash point: 170 °C
Specific gravity: 1,0 - 1,2 kg/cm3
Bulk weight: 0,7 kg/cm3