Corrotech 2025 – Corrosion under insulation and paint defects

In four dates in January, training sessions were held for CORROTECH customers in Pilsen, Most, Brno and Ostrava. The trainers were experts from Hempel – Mr. Dalibor Fiala, Ing. Vít Dorničák, PhD. a p. Miroslav Holík. The purpose of the training was to provide our customers with information about the new products in the Hempel range, the main topic of the training was surface preparation before coating, coating defects and last but not least corrosion under the insulation. CORROTECH subsequently introduced the Sponge-Jet dustless blasting system and the Bristle Blasting process, which uses a specially designed rotary tool to remove corrosion and create an anchoring profile.

There was a great interest in customer training, with over 30 customers in Most, 24 in Brno, 17 in Pilsen and the largest attendance was in Ostrava, where over 50 customers attended. Each training session was followed by a discussion on topics that customers are currently addressing.